Careers Hive is an interactive introduction to the world of STEM-based careers for students ages 11–14

28 October–2 November 2024

Audience: Secondary School Pupils

Estimated Reach: 3,500 each year

Careers Hive is designed to provide secondary school pupils with a new way of thinking about their futures. Participants – pupils and their teachers – explore different career pathways and roles across multiple sectors through themed zones containing practical activities highlighting a variety of STEM careers, staffed by volunteer STEM professionals. Central to these zones is the Think Tank, a dedicated space for students to informally chat one-to-one with STEM professionals and ask the questions that matter to them most.

Young people develop perceptions of what a scientist looks like at an early stage, which can be a deterrent to choosing STEM subjects at school or pursuing a STEM career. Careers Hive’s Life After Leaving School panel discussion gives them the chance to hear directly from early-career STEM professionals from a broad range of industries, who talk about their career journeys. Students also have an opportunity to ask questions and have their say on important issues such as gender representation in STEM.