Climate Co-Labs bring together business leaders and decision makers from all backgrounds to deliver real climate action

Year Round

Audience: Business Leaders and Decision Makers

Estimated Reach: 4–6 events a year bringing together up to 50 senior leaders at every event

We are in a climate emergency and Edinburgh Science is determined to play a role in tackling it at this pivotal point.

Climate Co-Labs were initiated in 2019 when we recognised Edinburgh Science had a unique convening power to bring together others that want to drive real change. Our roundtable- style discussion events assemble cross sectoral leaders including policy makers and politicians, business and academic leaders and others that can make strong, impactful decisions.

These events are unusual in their cross sectoral approach to tackling thorny climate problems and spark collaboration, unlock solutions and drive change – accelerating our transition to a cleaner, greener and more just future. Participants leave the space that we create energised, motivated and ready to play their part in this vital transition.