Providing STEM experiences to children and families from disadvantaged communities who might miss out due to economic or social barriers

Year Round

Audience: Local Community

Estimated Reach: 3,500

Partnering with local community hubs, such as libraries and community centres, Edinburgh Science delivers mini-Festivals outside of the city centre bringing free hands-on family activities and pop-up science shows for visitors to enjoy. Events are promoted by the community partners directly to their audiences with marketing support from Edinburgh Science, to ensure they reach people in their communities that don’t typically engage with our work.

In addition to year-round work, just prior to the Festival opening – and before the school holidays begin – primary school pupils from high SIMD areas are invited to enjoy our flagship family workshops free of charge. This is an opportunity for children who wouldn’t normally be able to visit the Festival to explore the wonders of interactive science. Also during the Festival, community groups are invited to visit for guided visits, ensuring that the Edinburgh Science Festival is made accessible to everyone.