
  • One Show*


  • Early Bird Rate**


  • Multi-Activity Discount***

    £350 for 2 / £490 for 3

Age range

Primary 4–7

Running times

  • 1 Hour 15 Minutes

Important information

CfE Links: Properties and Uses of Substances

Audience: 30 pupils

Space: Large Classroom

Get hands-on with chemistry and create colourful chemical reactions in this experiment-filled workshop

This popular experiment-filled workshop delves into chemistry and explores the scientific method. In small groups, your class will work through a range of challenges to create cool, colourful chemical reactions. Be prepared for your pupils’ curiosity to be ignited.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe that pH is an indication of how acid or alkali something is
  • Define a chemical reaction as when two or more things are mixed together, they change and produce something new
  • List four signs of a chemical reaction including production of heat, light, gas or colour changes
  • Recall that a solid will dissolve or react faster in a solution if it is broken up into smaller pieces
  • Identify steps in the scientific method: hypothesis, controls and variables (P6-7 only)