
  • One Show*


  • Early Bird Rate**


  • Multi-Activity Discount***

    £350 for 2 / £490 for 3

Age range

Primary 1–3

Running times

  • 1 Hour

Important information

CfE Links: Planet Earth

Audience: 30 pupils

Space: Hall or gym

Discover the changing climates of our planet and find out the role humans can play in protecting them

Meet Sunbeam and Raindrop as they explore our planet’s changing climates, with lots of interactive experiments and activities to discover what the future could hold – and how humans can help!

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe that climate is a pattern of weather that happens over a long period of time
  • Recall that the atmosphere is a layer of air and gases that surround the Earth
  • Identify that the ozone layer is a part of the atmosphere that helps to protect the Earth from the sun and keeps it warm
  • Describe that water (like the seas and oceans) is better at absorbing heat than air
  • Identify that the primary cause of climate change is human activity