Help us bring the wonders of STEM to more people across Scotland

Since 1989, the Edinburgh Science Foundation has inspired people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the wonders of science and technology. Through the Edinburgh Science Festival, our school projects Generation Science and Careers Hive and through our community outreach projects, we have worked to break down barriers to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Each year we reach approximately 200,000 people, with the majority enjoying our immersive, hands-on science experiences free of charge. Our activities are designed to build science capital – the sum total of all science-related knowledge, attitudes and experiences an individual builds up through their lives – helping them contribute to a science literate society and support changes that leads to a better world.

With financial support from your trust or foundation we can further increase the reach of our work, breaking down financial and physical barriers marginalised communities face when trying to engage with STEM.